Wahl Creativa Clippers

Wahl Creativa Clippers

We are in the midst of show season. Which, in the middle of summer, means keeping ears, whiskers, and feathers trimmed. It’s important to have good quality clippers on hand to keep up with all the grooming.  When I’m showing, I like to have a set of clippers that are uncomplicated for quick touch-ups, and…

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EnviroEquine Fly Spray

Enviro Equine Fly Spray Review

If you have either a) a horse with sensitive skin b) a horse with a struggling coat c) personal sensitivity to chemicals or just don’t like them, you probably want a natural fly spray.  The problem for most of us is finding a spray that actually works year after year. I find a lot of…

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Email Marketing & Facebook Ads Equestrian

3 Marketing Techniques for Your Equine Business

Often, we get so excited to create a well thought out Facebook advertising campaign, only to leave the possible consumer hanging once they get to the end of the tunnel (or in this case, we’ll say lead funnel). It’s very important to have that final step that will turn your lead into a customer, and…

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OTTB Rescue

OTTB Rescue Gives Racehorses a Fresh Start

  The thoroughbred horse is one of the most well-known horse breeds in the world. Known for its stamina, speed, agility, and athleticism, there’s a reason why they are known to partake in “the most exciting two minutes in sports”.  Unfortunately for many racehorses, they don’t all get a chance to stand in the winner’s…

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Equestrian Blogger

Meet Equestrian Lifestyle Blogger Jordan Even

When you think blogging what comes to mind? Is it fashion? Travel? Home Decor? Sports? There’s so many out there. Blogs allow for the expression of thoughts, style, opinions, and much more. I personally have a big passion for horses and fashion. So naturally, I created a blog geared towards the equestrian lifestyle! My name…

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Marketing Budget

What’s in Your Marketing Budget?

This question of a marketing budget is inevitable when talking to a potential client. Many times a business will come to me with a need for marketing and they are not sure what kind of campaign they need, or how much they can afford to spend. They will tell me about their slow growth in…

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Choosing Equestrian Photos

Choosing Equestrian Photos

Whether you are choosing equestrian photos for your personal account, personal brand, or business, you want to be mindful of the quality of the photos you post. Having an understanding and awareness of these elements allow you to take full advantage of your social media campaign as a tool to achieve your goals. What Image…

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Equine Assisted Therapy

Non-Profit ROCKs Equine-Assisted Therapy

How does an aspiring non-profit organization go from one boarded horse and 4 kids to a thriving and growing 29-horse equine-assisted therapy operation on 60 acres? Ask Nancy Krenek, CEO and founder of R.O.C.K, or Ride On Center for Kids, in Georgetown, TX.  She will tell you it’s about finding the right team, serving your…

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Equine event

Top 3 Resources to Promote Your Equine Event

I recently moved across the country, and when I got settled into my new home, I wanted to find horse shows or other equine events where I could get to know the local equestrian community.  So, I did what any modern human would do nowadays… I asked Google. Of course, there were endless search results,…

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