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6 Steps for a Professionally Designed Email

Email marketing is one of the best tools you can use in getting your message to your clients. It is actually the preferred method of communication for many people and businesses. With its widespread reach and specific needs and wants for your clients, you can’t lose…or can you? Our inboxes are flooded with email newsletters…

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Facebook Algorithm change

Facebook Algorithm Change

What is Facebook Algorithm Change? In an effort to bring people closer together, to promote meaningful interaction and reduce news feed noise; Facebook announced on January 11th that they will be changing the Facebook Algorithm.  This will reduce Facebook Page reach for businesses and non-profits that are simply posting about events or otherwise non engaging…

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Online horse business tips

5 Tips to Market your Horse Business Online

Marketing your horse business online is a step many do not understand or want to deal with. It can seem overwhelming.  You may not have any interest in marketing or you can not find the right horse person to help with the marketing. Maybe as a business owner you already wear too many hats, and…

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Help! My Site is Getting a “Not Secure” Warning!

Google is at it again. Starting in January 2017, Google will show websites that use HTTP and collect passwords or credit cards with a Not Secure Warning. This is a long-term plan for Google who has been a strong advocate for the security of websites by encouraging developers to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. In 2018, they…

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