Ahh spring is in the air. If you have horses, it’s also known as the season of mud, dusty hay, occasional flies, plenty of frogs, and endless days of being covered in horse hair from head to toe. How many of you have found horse hair in your teeth at the end of a day in the barn? Yeah… me too…

Enter the “SleekEZ”. This fun little tool gently removes hair with a smooth stroke across the horse’s coat, and creates neat little piles around your feet in the barn. Unlike a traditional curry comb, where hair goes flyin’ everywhere, the SleekEZ keeps the coat smooth while digging deep to hurry along the shedding process. As a major bonus, the tool also easily removes dirt and dander. You can see the gunk coming out of the coat while using the tool, and the horses truly enjoy it. My thought is that the tool stimulates natural oils in the skin to create a shiny, smooth coat while giving the horse a light massage. Sounds great, right?

10″ SleekEZ tool

According to the company website, the larger version made for livestock is 10″ wide (there are smaller versions for cats and dogs as well) and is made to be used with two hands. The website states, “During heavy shedding season no other tool on the market works as well to naturally de-shed, and fast. NOTHING works better than our simple tool to remove shedding hair, dirt and dander not only from pets but also from furniture, pet bedding, saddle pads, autos and carpeting.”

My horses love it, I love it and my nose loves it (less sneezing is an added bonus). You can purchase the nifty tool here for a mere $19.95 – it’s worth every penny. I’ve had my SleekEZ for three shedding seasons now and it’s still working just as good as the first time I used it.


Daina Behe holds a Master of Science degree in Integrated Marketing Communications from West Virginia University as well as a certificate in User Experience Design, and is well versed in many areas of digital marketing and design. Having been involved in the horse industry for years, she specializes in equine marketing as it brings her passions together. While not working behind a computer, you can find her training her Moriesian horse in the Western Dressage discipline, or teaching riding lessons to young equestrians.